Data structures and algorithms
We list what we believe are most important DS&A topics for working at a big tech companies.
List-based data structures
Python List
Linked List
Queue, Stack
Set, Map, and hashing
Bit manipulation
Tree - one of the most popular topics at big tech interviews
Tree algorithms
Tree traversal (BFS, DFS)
Search and delete
Specialized trees
Binary Search and Binary Search Tree
Heaps - one of the most popular topics at big tech interviews
Heapify and HeapSort
BFS & DFS for graphs, Adjacency matrix
Computation complexity and asymptotic notation
Basic sorting algorithms
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Bubble Sort
Merge Sort
Intermediary algorithms
Recursion, dynamic programming, backtracking - popular at Google
Advanced sorting algorithms: Radix Sort, QuickSort
In addition to that in coding interviews, you will get problems that require mathematical calculations (including basics of statistics and geometry).
Topics we recommend deprioritizing while preparing for interviews:
Sweep line algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm
Most recommended resources:
Google’s Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms course on Udacity. It is focused on helping you pass a Google interview.
Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization. This was most recommended by Outtalent graduates.
Last updated
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