Programs for women
Here we collected a list of select career opportunities for women in technology that live in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Historically women's rights and opportunities were often unfairly and irrationally limited. They were limited from the right to vote to the right to fly an airplane, as well as in numerous other ways. Centuries of inequality created deep-rooted challenges with fairness, diversity, and balance of power among genders in most industries and countries around the world.
Now there are many programs that aim to improve the situation. Here are the most relevant opportunities we know in the technology industry.
1) TechWomen. This U.S. government's program is designed for young as well as experienced local female leaders in science and technology from Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East. Each year they organize a group of women and find them 5-week internship-like projects in some of the best tech companies like Google and Tesla. The program helps with immigration and pays for transportation and accommodation.
2) SVIP. The Silicon Valley Internship Program gives newly graduating Software Engineering Students the unique experience of working with tech companies in Silicon Valley through a one-year internship. It has a track called SVIP International Women that is focused on female software engineers.
3) Google's Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology. You can find or start a local chapter and join their online and offline events.
4) recognizes the accomplishments of women in computing, and the organizations that recognize their value, through a variety of awards.
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